At 28% of votes former President Trump leads with 58.5% in Michigan.
With 70% of votes counted for president in Kansas, AP calls the race for former President Donald Trump with 54.8% of the vote.
With 50% of votes counted for the presidential race, Harris and Trump are tied with 49.6% votes each.
With 66% of votes counted, Tracey Mann leads with 65.1% of votes.
With 60% of votes, Tracey Mann (R) has been ahead with 63.6% votes.
With 59% of votes counted for president in Kansas, former President Donald Trump leads with 52.8% of votes.
With 48% of votes counted for, Vice President Harris leads with 50% of votes.
With 58% of votes counted for president in Kansas, Trump leads with 52.4% of votes.
With 54% of votes counted, Tracey Mann (R) increased lead with 61.7% majority votes.
With 91% of votes counted for president in Riley County, Vice President Kamala Harris leads with 49.4% of votes.
With 55% of votes counted, former President Trump leads with 52% of votes in Kansas.