County Clerk Rich Vargo said it is important for Manhattan residents to vote in this election.
“It’s their opportunity to voice their opinion on which candidate … they prefer for the presidential election,” Vargo said. “That is the only race on this election, is for the president.”
Vargo said voters can find sample ballots on the Riley County Elections website.
“You get the correct ballot based on your voter registration,” Vargo said. “Unaffiliated voters can affiliate at the time that they go to their polling place or advance voting, but you have to declare whether you want a Republican or Democratic ballot, which does register you as a Republican or Democrat.”

When do I vote?
Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. on March 19. Advance voting is open, and closes at noon March 18.
Where do I vote?
Polling places are assigned by precinct. Citizens can find their designated polling place on the elections website.
How do I vote?
Riley County uses DS300 machines to tabulate votes. Voters can:
- Select their preferred candidates using the on-screen ballot
- Print their ballot cardstock
- Verify the votes are correct
- Take the ballot cardstock to the DS300 for tabulation
What do I bring to vote?
Voters are required to show ID at their polling place. Valid forms of identification include:
- Valid driver’s license or ID card
- U.S. passport
- Student ID from a Kansas school
- U.S. Military ID
- Employee badge issued by a government office
- Concealed carry of handgun license
- Public assistance ID card
There are exemptions to this requirement, including:
- Permanent advance voters
- Overseas military voters, and their spouse and dependants
- Voters who sign the Declaration of Religious Exemption to Photographic Identification