Dear Readers,
These last two weeks are bittersweet, with friends graduating, moving out of the dorms and everything in between. Recognizing studying can be put on hold and there is time to appreciate the good weather and people in your life are great ways to get your mind off looming finals.
There is plenty of time to enjoy the semester, with lasting memories made with friends and spontaneous trips to Tuttle, but it can get clouded with responsibilities and work. Recognize when your happiness and memories come first, but there should be a balance with all the fun things coming in the next few weeks.
Taking time to go to lunch or coffee with a friend while studying is a good combination of being social and prioritizing school work. The workload regarding school and personal responsibilities is large in the final month of the semester, so having a schedule or planner is one way to keep all your tasks and deadlines in check. Schedule some time to lock in for your final, but a sweet treat or night out with your friends afterward is a good balance.
As I have said before, you are worth so much more than a grade. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care and allocate time for a few hours of studying. For some, these are their last few weeks in Manhattan before graduating or moving home for the summer. So, seize the opportunities to have fun and create the college memories you’ll reminisce about in 10 years.