Dear readers,
This time of the semester is always the hardest. As you tackle the million things to do before midterms, taking care of yourself is essential. Self-care isn’t just a skincare routine; it’s prioritizing your health. Here are my top four tips for extra self-love during this busy season.
Enforce a nighttime routine
After a long day, it’s tempting to go home and crawl into bed to scroll on social media, but being on electronics before falling asleep results in restless sleep and sleep deprivation. Instead, build a nighttime routine around staying off your electronics, like taking a warm bath or reading your favorite book.
My nighttime routine usually contains my latest read and a trip to Sonic for a sweet treat. I’ll follow that with my skincare routine and weighted dinosaur to wind down before bed.
Find the things that make you feel comfortable, and the moment you start to feel sleepy, listen to your body and go to bed.
Engage in physical exercise
Staying physically healthy is a form of self-care that goes beyond your mind and attitude and is especially important to prioritize in college. Engaging in some type of physical activity releases endorphins, helps shape your mind and ensures your body stays healthy. Whether going to the gym or walking around City Park, exercising puts you in a better mood and engages a different part of your brain. Listen to your favorite music, podcast or audiobook for added self-care benefits.
Schedule alone time
Knowing when your body says your social battery is burnt out and you need a moment to yourself is very important. Being alone and doing something you enjoy is a great way to build a better relationship with yourself because, at the end of the day, the only person you will know for the entirety of your life is yourself.
Whether in your room or dorm, going on an errand by yourself or treating yourself to a fun treat during the day, alone time gives you a chance to recharge. I usually pop in my AirPods, take a bath or write in my room until I feel recharged, usually enticed by hearing my friends giggling in the living room.
Find a creative outlet
After using the analytical side of your brain all day to write papers, switching gears and doing a craft is a great way to relax. Anything that scratches the creative side of your brain counts, whether it’s coloring, painting or writing. This can also refresh the analytical side of your brain, helping you get assignments done faster.
My favorite activities include painting by numbers, coloring books or even messing around on Canva. They keep me occupied for hours, and they’re things I can do by myself or with a friend.
No matter what your self-care looks like, it’s important to remember that self-care doesn’t just include expensive serums and face masks; it means actively checking in on the health of your mind, body and attitude. If nothing else, take time out of your day to focus on yourself and listen to your body. You’ll find it easier to get out of bed in the morning, and your body will feel healthier.