Kaitlynn Faber
A good coach effectively communicates their knowledge and motivates the team to achieve higher goals by understanding the values of individual players. While coach Tang can’t help you through an academic March madness, the Academic Achievement Center can.
Located in Holton Hall, the AAC supports students by strategizing the semester and helping them put up some extra points for the semester. Here are a few ways they offer support:
Academic coaching
Academic coaching is free studying guidance for anything academic at Kansas State. Academic coaching helps students strategize the semester, providing tools and resources to help students succeed. Coaches can meet virtually or in person and are ready to help students regardless of their academic standing.
According to its website, three to four meetings with an academic coach raise GPAs an average 0.5-1 points.
Students can schedule an appointment with an academic coach through Navigate, and step-by-step instructions are available on the AAC website.
Billie Jean King famously said, “Champions keep playing until they get it right,” and tutoring does just that. The AAC provides free tutoring to any student taking K-State classes and trains learning processes.
The AAC provides three different types of tutoring: appointment tutoring, drop-in tutoring and success skills tutoring.
Appointment tutoring sessions must be scheduled in advance. They’re 50-minute sessions with one to two students, and the tutor can help you identify personalized goals for the session.
Drop-in tutoring is available at various locations across campus. It’s available for K-State’s most popular classes, and the drop-in times and locations schedule is available on the tutoring website.
Success skills tutoring is a 50-minute session in which tutors work with students to strategize game plans to pass their classes. Students can expect to learn new studying skills personalized to fit their needs.
Academic success tools
The AAC offers planning, organization and strategizing tools in PDF format for download and use on its website. Some of the most popular tools include the Seven Day Study Plan, Backwards Mapping, and Project Planning.
All of its tools are available on the tool library page, where the PDFs are categorized into specific support categories depending on what the student is looking to improve.
The AAC also has a finals prep category to help students prepare for everything finals.